Category Archives: Birth Defects

Birth Trauma Attorneys Honor National Birth Defects Prevention Month of 2013 The National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN) designated January as National Birth Defects Prevention Month. According to its website, NBDPN is a “group of individuals involved in birth defects surveillance, research and prevention.” Throughout January, the group has worked to spread knowledge about birth injuries, birth defects and methods we can use to prevent them. This year’s theme is “Birth Defects: Common, costly and critical.” The site offers sobering statistics about the prevalence of birth defects, including: For every 33 births, one will have a birth defect One of every five children who die before their first birthday suffer from a birth defect Each year, more than 120,000 babies are born with birth defects There are many factors that cause birth defects. A poor diet, lack of vitamins and ingesting harmful substances (alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs) can all cause potential harm for developing babies. Unfortunately, a mistake at the…
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Non-profit Examining Correlation Between Veterans and Birth Defects

The Birth Defect Research for Children (BDRC), a non-profit based in Florida, has noticed a strong correlation between children with birth defects and parents with military experience. “Veterans are dying, but even more tragically, the children they’ve left behind are suffering,” said Betty Mekdeci, BDRC’s executive director. She says she has received many heartfelt letters from veterans and their spouses about hardships their children face, including mental retardation, cerebral palsy, deafness, blindness, physical deformities and heart defects. Mekdeci believes that chemical exposure during wartime played a role in the childrens’ disabilities. Mekdeci says that families are frustrated and do not know where to turn. She wants to create a center where affected individuals can go for solutions. “We want to serve our veterans as they have served us by petitioning for a ‘Children’s Center’ that would be staffed by specialists who would provide free diagnosis and treatment for their serious…
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Dangers of Misdiagnosing an Ectopic Pregnancy

Roughly one in 40 pregnancies is ectopic, which means the egg is fertilized somewhere outside the womb, often in the fallopian tubes. Doctors usually terminate these pregnancies because they pose a significant health risk to the mother and because the fetus has a small chance of surviving. However, sometimes the methods doctors use to terminate an ectopic pregnancy can cause unintended consequences if they misdiagnose the mother’s condition. “Those fetuses that are misdiagnosed as ectopic and were actually in the uterus receive high doses of teratogenic drug during early stage of development, and that causes malformations,” said Dr. Yaron Finkelstein, a physician at Sick Kids Hospital. He was quoted in an ABC News story about a woman whose child suffered birth defects after doctors misdiagnosed her pregnancy as ectopic and administered a drug called methotrexate, which caused serious birth defects in an otherwise normal pregnancy. Studies Show High Rates, High…
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