Do Your Children Suffer From Autism? Abuse Cases Becoming More Prevalent

Posted on June 25, 2014 at 12:00pm by

According to the National Autistic Society (NAS), half of the adults living in the United Kingdom with autism say that someone they know has abused them.

The nonprofit said that a survey of 1,300 people with autism showed that more than half had been abused by someone they considered a friend. The group said that this is causing many people with autism to stay at home, because they are afraid of being harassed.

The Daily Mail reported that 37 percent of those surveyed also said that they had been manipulated into doing something they did not want to do, while 44 percent said they were afraid of facing abuse outside of the house.

A quarter of those polled told the NAS that they have had possessions or money stolen. Two-thirds of those polled said that they require assistance to wash, dress and feed themselves.

“We have heard deeply distressing stories of men and women living in utterly intolerable conditions, exploited physically and financially by supposed friends or unable to care for themselves without support,” Mark Lever, the chief executive of NAS told the Daily Mail.

It should be noted that in America, Autism Speaks has released some safety tips for family members of loved ones who may have suspicions that abuse may be taking place. Among the tips were to look for unexplained bruises, sores or weight loss.

Additionally, any type of abuse, whether it is physical or emotional, should be reported to state or local agencies for investigation. Signs of neglect like inadequate food, shelter or medical care should also be reported.

My Children Were Born with Autism. What Are My Options?

Autism is a truly heartbreaking disorder. This story shows why it is so stressful for not only those suffering from the disorder, but for family members who have to live in fear over whether their loved ones may be taken advantage of.

It should be noted that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that one in 68 children now has autism, a frighteningly high number. The high numbers, along with some alarming cases we have studied are why our attorneys are looking for the parents of autistic fraternal twins, who grow from two separate fertilized eggs.

We believe that there may be a link between autism and the drug terbutaline, also known as Brethine, Bricanyl and Brethaire.

We are looking for fraternal twins because they share 50 percent DNA with their siblings, but face the same exposures during gestation. That means fraternal twins share exposure to all substances with their mother, including potentially harmful drugs like terbutaline.

If you are the parent of autistic fraternal twins, call our firm at 1 (800) 460-0606 to schedule a free consultation. We want to see autism numbers decrease. Contact us today.

[Did You Know: The FDA has only approved terbutaline for use in asthma treatment.]

Cappolino Dodd Krebs LLP – Birth Injury Attorneys
