Is a Fast Birth a Safe Birth?

Posted on June 20, 2014 at 10:39am by

Though one might assume that a fast birth means a quick and complication-free experience, the reality can be quite different. The recent experience of a 33-year-old British pop singer demonstrated how birth complications can arise even amidst seemingly ideal birth conditions. The mother was about to give birth to her fifth child and everything seemed to be going according to plan. Once she asked for an epidural, things began to go awry.

“It’s like I passed out but I never passed out. I could hear everyone else talking, it was really bizarre. I wish I hadn’t had the epidural,” said the mother. “They put her on my chest and something didn’t feel right.” The baby was not breathing.

The birth occurred too fast for the baby to adjust to the outside world. The doctors “think she came out so fast [that] she reverted and went into delayed shock, and reverted to being back in my womb and living off the placenta,” said the mother. The baby eventually recovered, but had to be placed on life support.

What are the Risks of a Birth Injury?

Newborn babies are vulnerable to injury, as they are still undeveloped physically and mentally. As such, any minor birth injury can seriously affect a baby’s long term development. The most common types of birth injuries are as follows:

  • Cerebral Palsy – When a baby suffers damage to the cerebrum, they will experience long term intellectual disability, sensory impairment, seizures and behavioral issues. In some cases, this can result from lack of oxygen to the brain during labor and delivery.
  • Erb’s Palsy – If a child suffers damage to the brachial plexus, a group of neurons responsible for arm and hand coordination, they may develop Erb’s Palsy. In addition, children whose shoulders are stuck behind the pelvis during birth may also develop Erb’s Palsy. Ten percent of children with this disorder require costly physical therapy for years to come.
  • Baby Brain Injuries – The vacuums and forceps used to deliver children can cause serious brain injuries to the baby. Using the forceps at the wrong stage of labor can cause cranial bleeding, resulting in cephalohematoma. In addition, the vacuum suction cup can cause brain clots, resulting in developmental disabilities.

Parents are understandably unprepared to deal with the consequences of a birth injury. The husband of the previously-described mother said the birth was “the most frightening thing I’ve ever been through.” In addition to the already horrifying prospect of losing the baby, there is the additional worry of how to take care of a child with a developmental disorder.

Finally, most hospitals will not come out and admit a mistake during birth was made; the parents must typically initiate their own investigation. After the trauma of a birth injury, this is a lot to expect from parents.

Texas Birth Injury Attorneys You Can Trust

Taking care of a child with a developmental disorder is a long and expensive process that will negatively affect a family’s financial stability. However, there is no reason to go through such an arduous process all alone. Instead, reach out to an experienced birth injury law firm. You may receive compensation for the physical, emotional and financial hardships incurred by the birth injury. The first step is to reach out to a birth injury attorney and learn about the possible legal avenues available.

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