Do Pets Help Children with Autism?

Posted on December 31, 2014 at 12:00pm by

Do your fraternal twins suffer from autism? Our law firm is currently looking for parents of autistic fraternal twins, because we believe that there may be a link between the disorder and the drug terbutaline, also known as Brethine, Bricanyl and Brethaire.

We are studying fraternal twins because they share 50 percent of their DNA with their siblings, but face the same exposures during gestation, meaning they share exposure to all substances with their mother including to potentially harmful drugs.

With this in mind, whenever we hear about stories involving therapy for autism victims, we like to spread the news. Recently, CBS News reported that pets, especially dogs, have a unique impact on children with autism.

According to the news outlet, researchers have discovered that autistic children who have pets at home usually have much more advanced social skills, and are more assertive and communicative than children who do not have pets.

The research, published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, discovered that autistic children “with any kind of pet in the home reported being more likely to engage in behaviors such as introducing themselves, asking for information or responding to other people’s question.”

Researchers think that pets may allow opportunities for autistic children to interact and communicate without realizing it.

Why Should I Speak to an Attorney If My Fraternal Twins Suffer from Autism?

Again, our attorneys are currently studying the links between terbutaline and autism. This drug is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat asthma, although it is also commonly used to stop preterm labor in expecting mothers.

Our firm includes attorney Ryan Krebs, M.D., J.D., who is also doctor. Contact our experienced injury lawyers today for more information.

Cappolino Dodd Krebs LLP – Birth Injury Attorneys
