Study Finds Some Antibiotics Not Linked to Birth Defects

Posted on May 30, 2011 at 5:00am by

According to Health24, certain antibiotics during pregnancy may be safe to mother and fetus, and may not be linked to birth defects as previously believed. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has reviewed existing research and determined that antibiotics, nitro furans and sulfonamides, are appropriate when there is no suitable alternative. Previously, research had shown that taking these antibiotics for treating urinary tract infections may have been linked to birth defects.

A 2009 study raised alarm about using antibiotics while pregnant, while relying on women’s recollection if they had taken antibiotics and which kind during pregnancy. Subsequent studies have found no link between nitro furans and sulfonamides and birth defects. However, pregnant women should always speak to their doctor before taking any medication in order to minimize the risk of birth defects.

Antibiotics are commonly prescribed during pregnancy for a variety of bacterial infections, including urinary tract infections. The 2009 study had several significant limitations, says Dr. William H. Barth Jr., chair of ACOG’s Committee on Obstetric Practice. Dr. Barth called the study observational and based on patient recall bias it is impossible to know whether birth defects were caused by antibiotics or the infection itself, or some other factor, said the doctor.

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