Tag Archives: national birth defects prevention month

Birth Trauma Attorneys Honor National Birth Defects Prevention Month of 2013

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1nGNyRLoY4 The National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN) designated January as National Birth Defects Prevention Month. According to its website, NBDPN is a “group of individuals involved in birth defects surveillance, research and prevention.” Throughout January, the group has worked to spread knowledge about birth injuries, birth defects and methods we can use to prevent them. This year’s theme is “Birth Defects: Common, costly and critical.” The site offers sobering statistics about the prevalence of birth defects, including: For every 33 births, one will have a birth defect One of every five children who die before their first birthday suffer from a birth defect Each year, more than 120,000 babies are born with birth defects There are many factors that cause birth defects. A poor diet, lack of vitamins and ingesting harmful substances (alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs) can all cause potential harm for developing babies. Unfortunately, a mistake at the…
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