An east Texas hospital has been accused of causing a newborn to develop cerebral palsy due to errors during the birth process. The mother’s birth injury attorney has already begun a birth injury lawsuit against the allegedly negligent physician.
The mother who filed the suit alleges that she arrived at the hospital with a leak of amniotic fluid, indicating that she was nearing the point of delivery. During intake procedures, hospital staff noted that her blood pressure was steadily increasing, but did not notify the doctor of this condition. It was not until the next morning that the doctor learned about her high blood pressure. The mother was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia, meaning that she was at great risk of suffering seizures during the birth process. Eclampsia is an extremely serious condition and often threatens the life of both the mother and the newborn.
The child was later diagnosed with dyskinetic cerebral palsy. The condition typically entails severe motor difficulties, with some patients being unable to sit upright. Palsy patients typically require years of occupational and physical therapy, in addition to needing special education classes.
The details of the suit allege that the child has missed most of her developmental milestones, which suggests that she may suffer from long-term cognitive challenges in addition to her physical disabilities. The suit also states that the mother and newborn both suffered immense physical pain, emotional turmoil, and increased medical costs as a result of the doctor’s negligence.
Cerebral palsy carries immense financial and emotional costs. The combination of medical treatments, therapy, and rehabilitation can cost in the hundreds of thousands of dollars over a patient’s lifetime. The parents and family of the child often have to see them grow up with frustrations of not being able to go to the same school as their friends. As the child ages, they may face significant difficulties when finding employment. When a healthcare provider causes a child to suffer cerebral palsy, many families find it necessary to pursue legal action in order to secure compensation that will help pay for their child’s future.
If your child suffered birth injuries due to a doctor or hospital’s negligence, help is available. Contact our experienced birth injury attorneys today at 1(800) 460-0606 for a free, no-obligation consultation. Our caring attorneys and legal staff are dedicated to seeking a recovery for your birth injury case which will cover all medical care expenses needed for your child.
Did You Know: Cerebral palsy treatments can cost in the millions over the course of a lifetime.