Birth Trauma Attorney: The Costs of Raising an Autistic Child

Watch this video to hear birth injury lawyer Rick Dodd describe the high financial cost of caring for an autistic child. Our attorneys may be able to help parents whose child’s autism is the result of negligent medical care during labor and delivery. Call today for more information.

Video Transcription

Hi, my name’s Richard Dodd. I’m with the law firm of Cappolino, Dodd & Krebs, and I’m here today to talk to you a little bit about autism. We all know the cost of raising an autistic child can be very high. A study published in 2007, which is in the archives of pediatrics and adolescent medicine, says the cost of raising an autistic child is about $35,000 up to the age of five. Most of that money pays for behavioral therapy.

Indirect medical costs peak at about $52,000 by the time an autistic child becomes an adult. Most of that cost involves home modifications and special education. Adult care alone averaged $662,000 during the course of a lifetime. We all know that raising a special needs child with autism takes money; takes money for behavioral modifications. Takes money for therapies whether it be language or physical skills but you know those costs don’t just end with the child. As that child gets older, so do you. Some day that child will be an adult and will need extra help, not only with these same types of therapies but they’re going to need modifications to their home and their physical disabilities. Call Cappolino, Dood, and Krebs now 1-800-460-0606, and we will find out who is responsible, who is accountable for your child’s autism.

If it is an environmental factor that caused this then someone else who is accountable should help pay for these modifications, and at Cappolino, Dodd & Krebs we can help your child with that recovery. We can help your child with those home modifications, and those therapies.